The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in the Automotive Industry

It is incredible to consider how far AI technology has come in recent times. What was seen as a futuristic type of tech not too long ago is now a common part of daily life and utilized in many different industries.

One area where AI is becoming more prevalent is the automotive industry and it is exciting to consider how this tech will be used in the years to come when it comes to driving.

Artificial Intelligence in Action

So, how exactly is AI being used in the automotive industry? The most obvious way in which the tech is used is with autonomous driving.


There have been many great strides made in recent times and now cars can come with many semi-autonomous features, such as automatic emergency braking (AEB) that can apply the brakes if the car senses a crash is imminent and self-parking features.

Another way that AI can be used in cars is to diagnose issues. AI could be used to detect when there is an engine issue or if your tires are not inflated to the correct pressure, which would allow motorists to make timely improvements.

In smart cars, this technology is already being used in some models, and if we look at electric vehicles the maintenance is near none existent due to the massive reliance on battery packs and computers to make EVs function.

Motorists would still need to book MOT online each year, but diagnostic features could prevent serious issues from arising and improve the chances of passing the MOT the first time.

How Far Away is Fully Autonomous Driving?

How Close Are We to a Self-Driving World? (?️ Credit:

The big question that everyone wonders about is how far away fully autonomous driving is. Fully autonomous driving would require no driver input whatsoever, which would transform life and travel.

Fully autonomous driving could provide a new level of independence to people unable to drive for one reason or another, improve safety and even transform the way goods are transported.

Although the tech is practically in place, there are numerous issues surrounding logistics, ethics, and transformation issues that will take a long time to resolve.

While fully autonomous driving remains some way off, vehicles are becoming increasingly autonomous each year with laws constantly changing to adapt and adopt this fast-growing technology without compromising safety.

It is worth noting how far the technology has come along in just a few years already. Many people would have thought the technology to be way off 10 or 20 years ago, yet here we are with cars on the road already capable of taking turns and coming to a halt as well as accelerating autonomously.

Safety Issues in Autonomous Driving

Safety is another issue when it comes to autonomous driving. There will be no forgiveness for driverless car crashes, which means that they need to be 100% safe to avoid scrutiny and this is another reason why they may still be a way off.

Are Autonomous Cars Safe? (?️ Credit:

There are sometimes stories in the news about crashes during testing, but these are rare and they will become safer over time. Is it surprising that human drivers behave more like passive passengers when operating these “driverless” vehicles given how frequently they are marketed as such?

The term “driverless” is, in a way, deceptive because none of these autonomous vehicles can operate totally on their own. It appears to be true that, as is frequently the case with a vehicle without automation, human distraction has been the primary cause of the great majority of incidents involving self-driving vehicles.

But as they get better they will lessen human error, which the government claims are a contributing factor in 85% of all reported traffic collisions, and they will also benefit the environment.

Trudy Harrison, the minister of transportation, stated autonomous cars “will revolutionize the way we travel, making our future journeys greener, safer, and more reliable”.

Wrap-Up on AI in the Automotive Industry

It is fascinating to see how AI has changed so much about the automotive industry in recent times and to look forward to what the future might hold. The tech has come on leaps and bounds, but there is still a lot of work to be done until fully autonomous driving is commonplace although it is still something that is getting closer each day.

Whatever the future holds, the market for self-driving vehicles is expanding and evolving, and will no doubt disrupt many industries in the process; therefore fleet managers and business owners must stay informed of these changes and adjust their policies accordingly to avoid being left behind.

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BPT Admin
BPT (BusinessProTech) provides articles on small business, digital marketing, technology, mobile phone, and their impact on everyday life, as well as interactions with other industries.

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